Thursday, July 10, 2014

4 Months!

Georgia Belle is 4 months old!
I took these photos on June 22nd when she turned four months but, I am just now getting around to posting this update... oops! Georgia is growing so fast and is such a smart little cookie! Grammy bought her a walker and she loves to sit in it and play! Her feet don't touch the floor yet, but i'm positive she'll love to cruise as soon as she can! She is such a smiley and happy baby, I feel so lucky! She did great at her 4 month check up, she is right on target and the Doc continues to be blown away with how strong she is! We get stopped constantly when we're out. Everyone just loves her, we had someone announce to the entire restaurant the other day to look at how beautiful she was! Here are her 4 month pictures, everyone says she looks like the Gerber baby!