Saturday, March 29, 2014


1 Month!

I'm posting this a week late but, our baby girl is 1 month old! What the heck? Our parents were right all along, time goes by so fast! DON'T BLINK! Life has definitely changed! (for the better) Everyone is still adjusting, but we have our routine now and are pretty much in the swing of things! She started smiling this week, small smirks rather, that are intentional! Instead of just gas hehe! Can't wait for the big giggles to start! She still loves to grab a hold of fingers, it's her comfort go-to, I've noticed. Last night she was gripping her pacifier while sleeping instead of sucking on it, silly baby! Can't wait to look back on these and see how much she has learned!  Here are her 1 month pictures that I took a week ago.